"And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has commited sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:15&16
Wow...thank you guys all so much for your prayers...we can't stress enough how we require them of you in order to serve here in God's strength. For those of you who don't know last Wednesday on of the girls living with us, Sheria, tried to take her own life. She had been kicked out of school and consumed with hopelessness of her life situation she drank soap. Her cousin Emria was worried because she had locked herself in the bathroom, she got in and found her unconscious. We rushed her to the clinic behind our building and they sent her to Prishtina via ambulance for treatment. Her stomach was pumped and she is OK, praise God. We have had some good time to talk and pray with her and are excited at what God will be doing in this new chapter of life. She no longer imagines herself to be alone and has seen the body of Christ here become her family during this time. Both her parents are deaf mute and her brother (probably early 20's) provides for the family. Please continue to keep her in your prayers as she has agreed to change her school and communication habits so as to still live with us. Monday she will be attempting to register at a school 30 minuets away to finish out her 12 year in high school. She is 17 and has 13th year left after this. Also please pray for the body of Christ here as they learn to reach out to one another and to be open with one another about their struggles. The leading guys in the church are already talking about making a point to reach out to the younger believers. Please pray that there would be greater discipleship one with another here. Also please pray for our home as we serve the body and the girls living with us. We will be holding them more accountable for their school and time. Please pray as we endeavor to love them through accountability :o) Please pray for Burim as he was accompanying Sheria in the ambulance he was thrown against a chair and hurt his rib. He doesn't know if he has only bruised it or worse as the medical attention here isn't the best. Also he has been sick for almost a month with a bad cough which adds more pain to the rib situation. He is also going to be counseling some with Sheria as he is a leader (they call them Deacons) in the church here. None of have ever dealt with anything like this so please pray for God's wisdom and leading in our words and actions. Also the interview that Kim had with the police on Friday went well and they even said that they do not consider the church or English school related to the incident (PRAISE GOD..that was a fear or ours). They have proven relatively easy to deal with which is a huge praise report! Thank you again for all you prayers and know that they "avail much"
Zoti ju Bekoft (God Bless you)
Kim & Jen
Wow...thank you guys all so much for your prayers...we can't stress enough how we require them of you in order to serve here in God's strength. For those of you who don't know last Wednesday on of the girls living with us, Sheria, tried to take her own life. She had been kicked out of school and consumed with hopelessness of her life situation she drank soap. Her cousin Emria was worried because she had locked herself in the bathroom, she got in and found her unconscious. We rushed her to the clinic behind our building and they sent her to Prishtina via ambulance for treatment. Her stomach was pumped and she is OK, praise God. We have had some good time to talk and pray with her and are excited at what God will be doing in this new chapter of life. She no longer imagines herself to be alone and has seen the body of Christ here become her family during this time. Both her parents are deaf mute and her brother (probably early 20's) provides for the family. Please continue to keep her in your prayers as she has agreed to change her school and communication habits so as to still live with us. Monday she will be attempting to register at a school 30 minuets away to finish out her 12 year in high school. She is 17 and has 13th year left after this. Also please pray for the body of Christ here as they learn to reach out to one another and to be open with one another about their struggles. The leading guys in the church are already talking about making a point to reach out to the younger believers. Please pray that there would be greater discipleship one with another here. Also please pray for our home as we serve the body and the girls living with us. We will be holding them more accountable for their school and time. Please pray as we endeavor to love them through accountability :o) Please pray for Burim as he was accompanying Sheria in the ambulance he was thrown against a chair and hurt his rib. He doesn't know if he has only bruised it or worse as the medical attention here isn't the best. Also he has been sick for almost a month with a bad cough which adds more pain to the rib situation. He is also going to be counseling some with Sheria as he is a leader (they call them Deacons) in the church here. None of have ever dealt with anything like this so please pray for God's wisdom and leading in our words and actions. Also the interview that Kim had with the police on Friday went well and they even said that they do not consider the church or English school related to the incident (PRAISE GOD..that was a fear or ours). They have proven relatively easy to deal with which is a huge praise report! Thank you again for all you prayers and know that they "avail much"
Zoti ju Bekoft (God Bless you)
Kim & Jen
- Sheria is safe and sound and growing in her understanding of God's love for her as well as the love of the family of Christ
- The church and Deacons are being challanged to be responsible for one another
- The police - our dealings with them have gone well
- Yeah! By God's grace we made it through this week!!!
- Sheria-continued healing
- Burim-rib and sickness
- Deacons-wisdom in leading the church
- Us-wisdom for our home
- The church-greater discipleship with the older leading the younger
- The church-A greater openess with one another and increased prayer for one another