Sunday, March 11, 2007

Overdue update

Hi Everyone,

Forgive us for this overdue update! We are doing well, and it has been a very busy month for us.
There is lots going on each day just being in the midst of the believers daily lives here, although we are enjoying being a part of it all. We have certainly felt the spiritual oppression here, as we see the discouragements that can come along. This has also been mixed with physical sickness and many of us have had another round of colds and flu which is commonly known as "The Grip"
Jen was sick for a full week in Feb. Now we are all doing much better and stronger.

Life is also just normal living here, and watching the church struggle with basics areas of Christian growth, as we all do! We are here to encourage them in these areas, like leadership, servanthood, and just simple decision making however, like all of us, growth can be slow yet steady. We pray the church grows more and more in HEART knowledge, rather than just head knowledge.

It's been wonderful to see God's hand through the time we have been here. Although the trials come, we have also seen the victories! We praise the Lord for His constant care and faithfulness and answered prayer!

Your prayers have helped us abundantly, and we are so thankful for being with us in this way!

Sherea is doing well, We have had times of discipleship with her and she seems sincere with a desire to change and grow in the Lord. It has been a very hard time for her, now facing the consequences of not finishing this year of school, but, God has helped her keep focus. She was turned down by two other schools, for this year, however, found out that her old school will take her back next year. Meanwhile, she is in English classes. This will help her learn more English and also develop her studying skills. Sherea has expressed her gratefulness for the love and care she has experienced...thank you for being a part of her life in your prayers!

Please keep Sherea in your prayers for growth in the Lord as well as in practical decisions she will make for her life.

We pray our morning devotions with the girls are encouraging their hearts in the Lord, we have also had opportunities to share with them through some of their struggles and it's a blessing to watch God knit our hearts together. Currently, we are learning about Jesus, our Good Shepherd as we study Psalm 23 at Sarah's home. We enjoy our Friday bible study group!

We are enjoying sweet fellowship with many of the people:
Here are some of the ways!

Jen makes wonderful scarfs for the girls

Mira visited from Albania
(It was a wonderful time!)

Wash Day in Kosovo
(This is how they shampoo their living room rugs!)

Kim and Burim being silly

Jen & Emeria enjoy a cappucinno together!

We play wild games of "UNO" with wild rules!

Jen and Ilir fix lunch after church

Sam and Sheptime help do the dishes

Serious Missionaries!

Ha! Taking a break from the stress of the day

Please PRAY for Kim, Jen and Sam

We have 5 short weeks left here in Kosovo, and the days are flying by quickly!
We have really enjoyed serving together here, and we are seeking the Lord as He leads us individually in our call and direction for the next step in life.

"He who calls you is FAITHFUL, Who also will do it "
1 Thess. 5:24

Pictures of Kosovo

Thankyou Jim Doss for permission to use these pictures! (© 1999-2006 James B. Doss)

Video Of The Week...